Online Learning
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advantages of online learning

4 Hidden Advantages of Online Learning You May Have Not Considered

Online learning is the new future, as employers and students alike become more accustomed to the benefits of diversity, flexibility, and new skills offered by distance education.

edhec online course

EDHEC: Building an innovative and personalised online learning experience

EDHEC Business School’s pioneer methods for online learning have been recognized on the global scale during the latest FOME (Future of Management Education) alliance conference.

online master

Chloé Simon, student of the EDHEC Online Master: The importance of coaching to find your way

It is especially all this reflection that EDHEC allows me to have on my career and on the future that is useful to me.

online diploma

Online Diplomas Versus MOOCs: Advantages and Downsides

MOOCs and online diplomas share several characteristics, offering flexible digital and location-independent learning options on your own schedule.

erdem cinar

The impact of Data in the pharmaceutical industry: a conversation with Erdem Cinar, online Master’s student at EDHEC

As data grows in importance, companies can no longer ignore the benefits of analytical tools.

Breakdown of a week of online learning with EDHEC Online

We favour learning by doing, but also with peers. We rely on several tools to encourage interaction between our students.

adaptive learning

Is Adaptive Learning the Future of Education?

Adaptive learning is not only valuable for schools and universities, but also for companies and organisations that can use this innovation to train their staff effectively.

Giovanni, online Master’s student at EDHEC: the impact of data in the finance industry

My goal is to progress in my current position and to always provide very high quality service to my clients. To perform better, you have to train.

online course tips for success

Top 4 Online Course Tips for Success

While lower costs and time flexibility make online coursework particularly appealing, the reality is that online education can be just as challenging if not more challenging than traditional in-person learning.

bich pham

Data management in ecommerce: a conversation with Bee Pham, online Master’s student at EDHEC

When you work in ecommerce, being comfortable with data is crucial.

Mature student

Back to school at 40? Why it’s worth investing in executive education as a mature student

Studying at an established online institution like EDHEC is ideal for mature students, offering a learning environment that is perfectly suited to busy professionals.

Distance Coaching vs Face-to-Face Coaching: The Differences and Advantages

A coach and coachee can still meet through distance sessions, despite common belief.

5 Reasons to Boost Your Career with Continuing Professional Development

Contrary to popular belief, employability is not only taught at school, but also (and above all) through continuing professional development.

Online coaching

Career Coaching Methods at EDHEC Online: Our Unique Approach

Career coaching at EDHEC Online makes use of the latest technology, experienced coaches, and a combination of individual and group online career coaching methods.

Inès, a young French-Swedish professional in love with China

In terms of online education, I looked at who seemed to be “the most knowledgeable” and I saw that EDHEC was a pioneer.

Is online learning as good as face to face learning?

Online learning is increasingly popular nowadays, and this trend is here to stay. With more flexibility, self-directed study options, and access to the same professors as traditional learning, it’s no surprise that online learning is popular.

EDHEC joins elite FOME Alliance for top business schools

The FOME Alliance has collaborated to create the first shared online learning platform of its kind, designed to provide a superior education for all participating students.

Learn Better with the Zeigarnik Effect

The Zeigarnik effect is the tendency to remember unfinished tasks more easily than those we have completed.

Learning designer : behind the scenes

How to create an online training: the role of Learning Designer

On a daily basis, I work as a journalist, architect, IT project manager and co-director.

Is Online Learning Right For Me?

It’s easy to believe that anyone can pursue additional online education. And while that’s technically true, it’s important to properly examine the benefits and drawbacks before delving into an e-learning programme.

Why choose online learning: Joris smiling

Joris, investing in his career with further online education

Why choose online learning: Joris, a 24-year-old Belgian-German national has recently begun his journey with EDHEC Online in order to boost his international career. Interview.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education

Additional education is ideal to hone your skills and make connections. Take a look on the advantages and disadvantages of online education.

From Crisis to Career Gain: Online Learning in 2021

One way to amplify your opportunities, even during a pandemic, is through an advanced education programme.

Study tips for working professionnals : Man throwing papers

Study tips for working professionnals

Finding time for executive education can be a challenge, but successfully studying while working is certainly achievable. Avoid the pitfalls with our Study tips for working professionnals!

going back to school while working full time

Going Back to Education While Working Full Time: Career Progression at Any Age

Progress your career by going back to school while working full time. Find out how EDHEC distance learning can help you balance work and study.

Everything You Need to Know About Online Mentoring

Up your chances of course completion and meeting your goals with online mentoring.

Online Learning: The Key Role of an Online Mentor

Are you worried about feeling isolated in e-learning? Find out how EDHEC Online provides an online mentor and digital tools to support your learning.

Benefits of E-Learning: Is Distance Education for Me?

Are you looking for a flexible course that will equip you to face digital challenges? Explore the benefits of e-learning with EDHEC’s online courses.

Six Key Criteria for Identifying the Best Distance Education University

Wondering how to select the best distance education university for you? See EDHEC’s tips, including support, technology, and qualification quality.

Mixed E-Learning Types: Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

Learn more about innovative EDHEC Online courses combining asynchronous and synchronous e-learning types to bring you the advantages of both.