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6 Ways an MBA Helps Develop Leadership Skills

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You probably already know that an MBA is a valuable qualification that will help you develop a wide range of hard and soft skills to accelerate your career in business.

However, you may be surprised to learn that studying for an MBA can also help you to develop your leadership skills. Here are six ways that an MBA programme will help you to become an exceptional leader.

leadership skills

6 Ways Studying an MBA Develops Leadership Skills

You’ll Study Various Management Techniques

As part of your MBA programme, you’ll learn about various management theories and techniques. You’ll cover how to get the most out of your team, as well as ways to improve efficiency and outcomes. Many MBAs also include psychology subjects that will help you understand what motivates and drives people.

Of course, practical management experience is essential for becoming a great leader, but knowing the theory is also extremely useful.

You’ll Hone Your Collaboration Skills

Leadership isn’t about standing alone above everyone else. To be an excellent leader, you need to work well with others, listen to their opinions, inspire and motivate them, as well as respond to their needs. Getting the best out of your team requires exceptional collaboration skills.

Throughout your MBA, you’ll constantly work with others, whether in tutorials, through group projects, or as part of internships. You’ll not only practise the finer points of teamwork, but also how to best negotiate in order to get your desired outcomes.

Putting these skills into practice on a daily basis will allow you to become a skilled collaborator. You’ll also be able to use these experiences to demonstrate your teamwork prowess when applying for jobs post-graduation.

You’ll Take Your Communication Skills to the Next Level

Along with collaboration skills, communication is another skill set that you’ll develop throughout your MBA programme. MBA programs involve exercising high-level communication in a variety of contexts: you’ll produce written and oral assignments, participate in discussions, ask questions during class, and interact with your peers and teachers in a variety of contexts.

Another important aspect of any MBA programme is listening and responding to feedback. Throughout your studies, you’ll be given feedback on your work and performance, and you’ll need to learn how to take it on board to improve your performance going forward.

This ability is essential for leaders, as they must frequently respond to feedback from their direct reports, managers, and stakeholders. Being able to graciously accept feedback and apply it to improve processes and obtain better outcomes is one of the hallmarks of a successful leader.

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You’ll Connect with Peers and Mentors

Aside from the skills and knowledge you’ll develop throughout your MBA course, you’ll also be exposed to plenty of networking opportunities. These range from your fellow students to your teachers, mentors, and business leaders.

Indirectly, making these connections could help you to become a better leader in a variety of ways. For example, you may connect with a mentor who will help you develop your unique leadership style

Working with other students from a variety of backgrounds and cultures can also be invaluable in exposing you to a range of leadership techniques and styles.

You’ll Put Your Leadership Skills into Practice

Many MBA programmes include internships or other practical work experience components which allow you to practise your leadership skills in a real-world setting. 

You’ll also be exposed to a variety of managers, executives, and leadership styles that can help you see what works, what doesn’t, and develop a leadership approach that is best for you.

With modern business executives increasingly leading diverse, multinational teams, this is an invaluable experience that is sure to assist you in your post-MBA journey.

You’ll Better Understand the Business World

Much of being a great leader comes down to managing people, inspiring and motivating them. However, if you want to be successful in any senior position in business, you’ll also need to have a thorough understanding of markets, business strategies, and related concepts.

Through your MBA, you’ll learn about how economies work, key business factors that influence the market, consumer behaviour, and relevant laws and regulations. All of this will give you a thorough grounding in the technical knowledge you’ll need to be a stand-out leader in business.

Become a Leader of the Future with EDHEC

EDHEC’s Online MBA is designed to help our students develop exceptional leadership skills through our dedicated leadership development programme, Boost360. The program emphasises principled leadership, encouraging participants to reflect on and extend their leadership practice to drive their careers and lead with confidence and conviction.

The personalised programme is tailored to each student’s individual goals and values, with personalised workshops and coaching. Boost360 uses a range of advanced tools, assessments, and courses to prepare students for their post-MBA journey and future leadership roles.

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