Giovanni Fuganti

Special Projects, QUANTYX

Data and new technologies have been shaping the future of finance for a few decades now. To stay in touch with innovative tools and techniques, lifelong learning is essential.

Giovanni is Head of Risk Management within a major investment management company. He chose enroll in our Online Master of Science in Data Management and Business Analytics in order to sharpen his skills in data management and better advise his clients.


giovanni fuganti

You have a solid experience in finance. Can you tell us about your professional background and career evolution?

I have always worked in finance and risk management but wearing different “hats”, and more particularly in relation to the quantitative aspect of finance. I was first a portfolio manager, then I joined BNP Paribas Asset Management (formerly BNL) as Head of Quantitative Risks and then Head of Risk Management. After briefly working for BMW Financial Services, I joined Allianz Global Investors as Head of Risk Management and Performance Analysis.

What does a Risk Management professional do?

I analyze and assess financial and market data and the performances. I also manage the risks involved in handling portfolios.

Why did you want to train further in data management?

I already have a master’s degree in Economics, with a major in statistics and operations research from the Bocconi University, in Italy. In 2010, I also completed an MBA at ESMT Berlin to sharpen my skills in business administration.

In my family, we love to study! I chose to continue to train, but this time in data management and analytics. I studied neuronal networks during my Master’s thesis 25 years ago. At the time, it was very complex and advanced because the softwares at our disposal, as well as computing capabilities, weren’t as advanced as they are today. I also took some online training on data and machine learning.

How did you choose EDHEC?

I already knew EDHEC through the EDHEC Risk Institute. In the field of finance, EDHEC is very well known, so choosing the EDHEC Online Master seemed to be the most logical choice.

What benefits do you expect from this programme?

My goal is to progress in my current position and to always provide very high quality service to my clients. To perform better, you have to train.

I will also benefit from holding a diploma from a renowned business school. As it is taught in English, it is also a great opportunity to reinforce the multilingual side of my profile.

How do you manage to combine online learning, professional and personal life?

I don’t sleep much, but it is doable! You have to be determined and committed to seeing it through. It’s an online program, so I can do it from anywhere, which is a great advantage.

How are you enjoying the classes so far?

The “Managing Innovation” course is very interesting and brings a lot for its strategic aspect. The course in data analytics for managers, in collaboration with ESMT Berlin, is definitely the most useful for any topic related to the day-to-day part of my job.

How has data changed the finance industry?

Data has transformed everything in the financial sector as it is now available at all levels and most immediately. The fields of finance and asset management have always been very advanced in collecting data. By the end of the 1990s, there was already a lot of data available to analyze and assess, make investment decisions, even though the technologies were very different from those available today.

You have to adapt to the new tools available. For example, an expertise in creating dashboards is now in high demand.