Abkar Toumasian

Sales Consultant, SThree

Abkar Toumasian joined the Online Bachelor of Science followed by the Master of Science in International Business Management to enhance his knowledge in business management as his responsibilities started to grow. Looking back at his following experiences, Abkar shares some useful tips for future students.

“The coaching sessions are very interesting. I think all schools all over the world should do that. Above the educational and professional growth and progress, here we have a personal growth.”

Discover his journey

Can you tell us about your learning journey with EDHEC?

I started three years ago doing a bachelor online in management and now, today, I’m graduating from my master’s degree. As I said, three years ago, it was my first experience online, and I was a bit doubtful at the beginning, but it was a great experience; I learned a lot because, first, the learning process was very helpful, I really loved it. The courses are practical; we learn a theoretical part and then we can practice it during the exam or individual work. The topics are all about the future, future technologies, and it’s very up to date. Plus, as it’s online, I had a chance to meet a lot of people and different people from all over the world. For example, I had classmates from Colombia, from Dubai, from Nice, and that was a chance for me to meet different kinds of people and also from different ages. And the last thing, the most important thing for me, was the coaching session. We have a coach, and that’s, I think, very interesting and all schools all over the world should do that. Above the educational and professional growth and progress you have, here we have personal growth; that’s personal development. You study your own weaknesses with your coach, and at the end of the bachelor, you transform these weaknesses into strengths. So all these advantages that I just listed up pushed me and encouraged me to continue to do my master’s degree.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering enrolling in an online programme at EDHEC?

That’s a funny question because two days ago, and honestly, someone just asked me on LinkedIn how was my experience in EDHEC, and also I recommended one of my friends to study who is right now studying in a master’s in finance. I always told them two very important things. The one is to be very well organized because I would recommend not underestimating the time and prioritizing EDHEC time, and the second thing, taking notes and making summaries. First, it will help you for the exam or individual work and second, after when you’re done with your degree, you can use it as I’m using every day in your company or other practical skills.